Sunday | 19th January 2025

Town Team

Update from Dún Laoghaire Tidy Towns (DLTT)

Their  submission for the 2022 National Tidy Towns competition was submitted for the 20th May deadline. We are hopeful of improved marks in several categories;  Streetscapes and Public places, green areas (significant developments since 2021 such as St. Michael’s Square, Myrtle Square planning, 2021 Summer Streets) we are less optimistic in other. “Old litter” is often remarked upon by adjudicators –

The Committee is planning to have an open day in September, and hopes to have businesses in attendance, as well as the Cathaoirleach.

The Committee will be contacting the Council to request funding for a weeding machine..

Tidy Towns  look forward to the completion of the planting along Marine Road and this initiative was a pleasant surprise for them. Perhaps a future collaborative project would be to replace the box planters along Marine Road with perennial beds similar to St. Michael’s Square. This could be a floral avenue from the port to the town.

Tidy Towns  have almost completed the installation of perennial flower beds at the Boylan centre, and are in progress at the Johnny Carr playground.

Update from  Dun Laoghaire Central Residents Association

DLCRA collected waivers from the businesses interest in the de-weeding project.  It is hoped to progress the project with DLR .

The next issue of the Newsletter will be out in August.

Regarding the lighting and blocked gullies and shores in the town and DLCRA look forward to DLRCC following up on commitment.  DLCRA hope to hold a public meeting in September.  The Very Rev Paul Tyrrell has offered the use of the Boylan Centre.

Update from Cllr Lorraine Hall

I’m pleased to let you know that the Council has recommended that pedestrianisation is introduced in Dún Laoghaire on a permanent basis from Summer 2023. Pedestrianisation will be introduced as part of a wider regeneration project the full length of George’s Street, which will include footpath restoration, public seating, trees/planting, as well as the completion of Myrtle Square.

The project is expected to go to Part 8 planning this Autumn. There will be another public consultation at this time, as well as well as a report from the Council identifying solutions to outstanding issues including: the location of the bus stop; hospital access; traffic management on surrounding roads; parking improvements; assistance for businesses with deliveries; and cycling improvements.

After the Part 8 public consultation, Councillors will vote on the project.  If passed, more detailed construction plans will be drawn up and then the project will go to tender with a view to pedestrianisation being introduced in Summer 2023.

I am very supportive of this proposal as I believe it will transform Dún Laoghaire Town Centre for the better in the long term. However, outstanding issues must be addressed and resolved so the project works for everybody. Please contact me if there are particular points you wish to make on this project.

Regarding the disposal of the Ferry Terminal:

In June Cllrs agreed to approve a 13.5 year lease on the Ferry Terminal Building to company, Quarterdeck, allowing it to operate as a co-working/incubator space that accommodates 700 people.  Quarterdeck will invest €4 million into retrofitting the building. The first tenants are expected to move in during Q3 2022. The project has the capacity to generate more than €750 million in wages while creating a vibrant ecosystem for all involved. This building has been vacant for seven years. It’s great to see it put back into use and to see new businesses located in Dún Laoghaire.

Update from Dun Laoghaire Business Association

Sinead Buckley Quinn noted progress in terms of engaging businesses with the cruise ships. She also advised that the DLBA will be holding a public meeting on pedestrianisation of George’s Street.

Sinead also agreed to let businesses know that they should where possible maintain the planters outside their businesses.

UPdate from DLR CoCo

The Council shared details of the proposed locations and artists for Dún Laoghaire Anseo street art festival 2022. The Town Team agreed that the list of locations represent a further very positive development of the project.

A tender has been accepted for the development of Park House (adjoining People’s Park) by the Council’s Housing Department and work will commence shortly.

Work is continuing to develop the area around St Michael’s Church, with new plants ordered. Signage has been installed asking people not to feed the birds, but it remains an ongoing problem.

The Council gave an update on the welcome signage project, noting that the initial signage will be installed as part of the public realm works on George’s Street. Banners will be installed shortly.

Update from Digital Dun Laoghaire

Eoin Costello gave an update on the activities of Digital Dún Laoghaire, outlining the most popular campaigns over the last month here. The focus for July’s campaign will be on Healthy Mind and Healthy Body.

Eoin was congratulated on receiving a Local Hero Award at the recently held .IE Digital Town Awards.

Update from the Harbour

Paddy Boyd welcomed the recent development with the old Ferry Terminal, noting in particular the inclusion of a Food Hall.

The development of the watersports campus has been somewhat stalled by delays with the granting of the foreshore licence. A Campus Advisory group has been established which brings together all relevant stakeholders.

Paddy advised that planning is underway for the 2023 Regatta.

DLR CoCo Tourism

DLR CoCo Tourism outlined additional tourism services being provided to cruise ship passengers.

Work is progressing on the transfer of the Joyce Tower, along with important archive material, to the Council.

The Tourism Office will be hosting a visiting group of travel writers from Northern Ireland on July 20th and 21st.

The Harbour Trail is expected to be complete in late July or early August.