Sunday | 19th January 2025

Consultation on Summer Streets: Dún Laoghaire

24. 05. 2021

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has introduced its “Summer Streets” initiative which aims to provide safe, welcoming and people-friendly public spaces in our towns & villages and bring life, food and energy to the County’s streets this summer.

The initiative involves the reallocation of existing public realm spaces through the pedestrianisation of Georges St. Lower and the use of additional outdoor space at Myrtle Square. This would provide attractive, safe spaces for cafés, restaurants, pubs and other businesses to operate outdoors throughout the summer and beyond.

Summer Streets: Dún Laoghaire is the most ambitious of these plans and it is proposed that Lower George’s Street would be closed to vehicular traffic and pedestrianised from 11am daily from the junction with Patrick St as far as Myrtle Square opposite St Michael’s Hospital. This intervention would support the reopening of our businesses, facilitate outdoor dining and queueing and create a safer, more welcoming environment for residents and visitors alike.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is keen to work in partnership with businesses and communities and invites your suggestions to help ensure the success of the proposed scheme which would commence on 5th July and run until 30th September.

A three-week period of public consultation will commence today (May 21st) and the public and interested stakeholders will be able to make an online submission.

Have your input by completing this Online Survey