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Let’s show our community pride in Dún Laoghaire Town – Visit of the Judges for the National Enterprise Town Awards approaching

12. 09. 2019

As the capital of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County, Dun Laoghaire Town is best known for its historical buildings, natural amenities and beautiful coastline. A key objective of the coming years is to bring Dún Laoghaire to the next level and to create much needed growth, employment and cross community collaboration on a sustainable basis.

“The focus the visit of the National Enterprise Town Awards judges give us to promoting what is good about our town is brilliant.”                    Aileen Eglington

To advance this goal it was felt that our town should submit an entry for the National Enterprise Town Awards due to the profile of the Awards, and the potential for national recognition for Dún Laoghaire Town if successful. Sponsored by Bank of Ireland the National Enterprise Town Awards recognise the spirit of enterprise in localities across Ireland, bringing business and community groups together to showcase their efforts to build an economically sustainable community in their town.

The judges are looking to reward towns that demonstrate innovation, pro-activity, sustainability, partnership, social inclusion, leadership and a sense of energy. The regional winners in 2018 included our neighbours Sandyford, Co. Dublin.

A wide range of stakeholders from across the community were represented at the steering group meeting including:

  • Dun Laoghaire Active Retirement Association
  • Community Cafe Cross Care
  • Crosscare Youth Service
  • Dun Laoghaire Business Association
  • IE Domain Registry
  • DLR County Council Community Department
  • Gardai
  • DLR Volunteer Centre
  • Dun Laoghaire Central Residents Association
  • Dun Laoghaire Mens Shed
  • DLR Chamber
  • DLR Lexicon
  • Bank of Ireland

The steering group’s Chair, Cllr Lorraine Hall, opened the meeting by saying the goal of the steering group was “To put the best possible show of community pride and spirit on for the judges who are coming to assess our town.”

Project director for the Dún Laoghaire Town entry, Eoin Costello (DigitalHQ clg), made the presentation below to the steering group outlining the judging criteria.

The focus of the discussion around the table was to –

  1. Identify potential cross community initiatives that can either be the focus of the visit on the day, or be presented to the Judges.
  2. Agree the itinerary for the Judges visit.

KEY DATES – Visit of the Judging Panel to Dún Laoghaire – 9am, Wednesday 2nd October. Awards night – 5th December.

For further information or offers of help please contact [email protected]