CREATIVE PROPOSALS Writing Workshop with and for Artists – DúnLaoghaireTown.ie official website
Wednesday | 15th January 2025

september, 2019

sat28sep9:30 AM1:00 PMCREATIVE PROPOSALS Writing Workshop with and for ArtistsArtists Professional Development Workshop presented by Art Net DLR.Select the kind of audience that would be interested in this event?:COMMUNITY

Event Details

Writing artists proposals can be challenging and time consuming.

It’s not easy taking an emerging idea in your head and a blank A4 page and transforming it into a clear and
creative proposal that will, hopefully, capture the imagination of a selection panel.
Art Net DLR presents a half-day workshop aimed at encouraging artists to develop creative proposals 6 One on One Clinics for Artists.

The workshop will include a presentation and conversation on best practice in writing proposals and applications
for funding, including opportunities to review some recent artist’s proposals. It will cover hints and tips on
developing proposals, a discussion on common pitfalls and ‘watch-out-fors’, observations on selection panels as
well as selection criteria, advice on sample headings to communicate ideas clearly and creatively, suggestions for supporting documentation, CVs and Biogs as well as advice on time management and the dangers of

This workshop may be of particular interest to Artists planning on applying to DLR Arts Office for a Bursary or
Artists Award, as the deadline will be [TBC] Friday 25 October 2019.


(Saturday) 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM


DLR Lexicon

Haigh Terrace Moran Park, A96 H283 Dun Laoghaire

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