Documenting Your Work | Photographer Tim Durham – DúnLaoghaireTown.ie official website
Saturday | 8th February 2025

october, 2019

sat05oct10:00 AM5:00 PMDocumenting Your Work | Photographer Tim DurhamArtNetdlr presentsSelect the kind of audience that would be interested in this event?:COMMUNITY

Event Details

Artists often struggle to photograph their own work. If they don’t know how, they may spend scarce resources paying someone else to do it for them. But with some basic guidelines and practice artists are, for the majority of purposes, well able to photograph their own ceramics, drawings, installations, paintings, sculptures, textiles, etc.

This workshop will assist you in creating a methodical step-by-step process to obtain the best possible results with the equipment you already have, whether this is a digital compact camera or digital SLR. This process will allow you to create high quality ‘accurate’ images for proposals, submissions to galleries, websites, emails, catalogues and press releases.

Perhaps you may still need to employ a professional photographer for producing coffee table books and limited edition prints. But having undertaken this workshop you will have a better understanding of the process and potential pitfalls, and be able to communicate knowledgeably with a photographer. The course will cover exposure, ISO, white balance, apertures, depth of field, jpg and raw quality, resolution of images, tripod use and much more.

To take part you will need:

Your camera with its manual. Manuals can be downloaded from the manufacturers website.
Blank memory card (no images on card)
Fully charged battery and spare if possible
Battery charger
Tripod if you have one
A piece of art work to photograph
Tim can provide a small number of cameras and tripods if participants don’t have their own. Please let us know if this is something you need. If you are thinking of buying a camera Tim would recommend you do the workshop first. You will then better understand the features to look for in a camera.

This workshop is directed toward artists. However, the skills learnt are suitable for documenting most objects. For instance if you are an archeolgist, historian or archivist and you need to record artifacts, maps or books, this workshop will work for you too.

More at Tim Durham’s website


(Saturday) 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM


DLR Lexicon

Haigh Terrace Moran Park, A96 H283 Dun Laoghaire


ArtNetdlrartnetdlr@gmail.com artnetdlr.ie

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